
   百家乐老虎机» 学术讲座
12月13日数字经济与管理系学术讲座 | A Video with A Viewpoint: How Visual Perspective Shapes Consumer Evaluations and Drives Video Virality
发布时间:2024-12-09       浏览量:

【题  目】A Video with A Viewpoint: How Visual Perspective Shapes Consumer Evaluations and Drives Video Virality

【时  间】2024年12月13日(星期五),上午10:00-11:30

【地  点】后主楼1722会议室

【主讲人】孙浩 副教授(中国科技大学商学院)

【主持人】王雪 助理教授(百家乐老虎机-电子百家乐 )


内容摘要:This research investigates the impact of different visual perspectives (first-person, second-person, and third-person) in short-form video content on consumer engagement, immersion, and video evaluations. Through a series of studies that combine secondary data, online experiments, and field studies, we demonstrate that the first-person perspective significantly enhances feelings of immersion, leading to more favorable video evaluations and an increased purchase intention for the advertised product, compared to second- and third-person perspectives. Additionally, we explore the moderating effects of buffering, ad inserts, screen size, and bonus content. These findings underscore the critical role of visual perspectives in fostering immersion, which in turn drives consumer responses to video content, contributing to a deeper understanding of digital consumer engagement in today’s rapidly evolving media landscape. Moreover, this paper offers valuable insights for brand advertisers and video influencers seeking to optimize their short-form video strategies.


主讲人简介:孙浩,现任中国科学技术大学科技商学院/管理学院特任副教授,厦门大学管理学博士,曾公派至英国华威大学访学。研究方向为消费者心理与行为,重点关注沉没成本偏差、品牌管理、进化心理学、性别差异和社会影响等主题。研究成果曾在消费者研究协会年会(ACR)、亚太营销国际学术会议(APMA)和中国营销科学学术年会(JMS)等多个著名学术会议上展示,在《Journal of Consumer Research》,《Psychology & Marketing》和《Journal of Consumer Affairs》等期刊发表。曾受邀在香港城市大学、中国科学技术大学苏州高等研究院、中山大学、山东大学、湖南大学等院校进行学术讲座或参与专家论坛。现受邀担任《Psychology & Marketing》和《Humanities & Social Sciences Communications》等期刊审稿人。