【题 目】Urbanization, policy coordination, and economic growth in China
【时 间】2024年12月4日(星期三),14:00-15:30
【地 点】后主楼 1722会议室
【主讲人】李志成 副教授 (湖南大学经济管理研究中心)
【主持人】王 言 助理教授(百家乐老虎机-电子百家乐 )
摘要:China is facing a significant population aging challenge following nearly three decades of rapid economic growth, with urbanization likely reaching its peak in the near future. The Chinese government could implement coordinated policies leveraging the ongoing citizenization process to address the sustainability of the pension system and stimulate economic growth. We develop a two-sector overlapping generations (OLG) model with rich heterogeneity to quantify the impact of these coordinated policies on China’s economic growth. The model is calibrated to China real economy, followed by counterfactual analyses. Our results indicate that expanding pension coverage can significantly reduce the financial burden on the urban employee pension system. Additionally, channeling surplus funds into public expenditure effectively boosts long-term economic growth in China.
李志成,经济学博士,湖南大学经济管理研究中心副教授。2018年毕业于美国纽约州立大学石溪分校,研究领域涉及金融经济学,公司金融,公共财政与经济增长。论文发表于Economic Modelling, Finance Research Letters, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money等主流经济金融期刊上。